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Online Sale - Plugin

Let them Sell!

Your community will love this feature. They’ll be able to sell enabling they’re buyers to pay safely with paypal service.

OnlineAd Plugin

Buy Now!!

This Plugin alows your community to advertise. Great application for your JomSocial Network. Only €50

OnlineAuction Plugin

Awsome feature!

Alow your users to create auctions, growing your community

Expand your network for just €50

Megapack Plugin

Let them Shop!

Let them bid!

And also Advertise!

Your community will be crazy. We lower the price. Buy 3 apps for the price of 2. Be on the vanguard of social networks and add to yours this awesome features!

Online Ads Module

Display all the Ads

With this module you'll be able to display all the ads from the OnlineAd Plugin.

Online Auctions Module

All the Auctions

With this module you'll be able to display all the auctions from the Online Auction Plugin.

OnLine Sales Module

All Sales

With this module you'll be able to display all the sales from the Online Sales Plugin.

CrowdFunding Module

CrowdFunding Module

With this module you'll be able to display all the CrowdFunding Projects from the CrowdFunding Plugin.

Online Petitions Module

Show the petitions

With this module you'll be able to display all the Petitions from your community users from the Online Petitions Plugin.

Online Petitions Plugin

Online Petitions!

Alow your users to create Petitions and increase the interaction in your community.

Expand your network for just €50

Crowdfunding Plugin

Buy this awsome App!

Your users can publish projects to be funded by the community.

Expand your network for just €50

Online Group Sales Module

Show them all!

With this module you'll be able to display all the sales from the Online Group Sale Plugin.

Online Group Sale Plugin

Let them Sell!

Your community will be able to sell in group, enabling they’re buyers to pay safely with paypal.

Buy Points ModuleBuy jomsocial points! Buy Points Module allow your users to buy points to the User Points System of jomsocial!!!50€